Saturday, November 21, 2015


So, it is a distant memory to be in the top 1,400 voters on Amazon. My rating dropped to #31,030 after a few more downvotes. I am never making it to top 1,000...Oh well. Not much I can do...but it sure is super frustrating! Especially when it looks like everyone who posted a review for a specific product got a downvote - I bet all the downvotes are from the same person!

I sent a note to Amazon that may be they should just keep the "yes" button to the "was this review helpful" question - if it was, a reader can click yes, if not, no voting needed. That would sure eliminate being sabotaged...unfortunately I don't think that will happen. I sent a link of a couple of products that had a downvote on every single review...Amazon responded they are working on a solution to stop this, but no other details or even a timeline was mentioned, so I am not holding my breath :(

 #downvotes #downvotessuck #sabotage #notfair #amazon #amazonreviews #amazonvotes #reviews

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