Friday, March 16, 2018


So.....the weird phonecalls never end. I guess that's the story of 21st century isn't it?

Over the past week I got several calls from 403-351-3157. Eventually the name Numeris also appeared. I googled seems to be a company doing surveys about TV and radio usage in Canada. They never left a message. And always called after 7pm, right around the time when I am putting my kids to bed.
I did pick up once and the call got disconnected.
They called again the following evening, and I picked up again, and this time there was someone on the other end.
They introduced themselves, said they are doing a survey about TV and radio usage, and proceeded to ask the questions. Never did they mention what the data is for....
They started by asking whether it was safe for me to talk. I can absolutely appreciate that. With that being said, starting with a question whether I was in fact willing to participate in this survey first would have been even better! Assuming just because I picked up I was willing might not be the best approach...just sayin'. They were lucky I was willing, just to see what this would be all about. the whole questionnaire took about ten minutes. I had no issues answering most of those questions, despite thinking that it's nobody's business how many TVs are in my house. They also asked how many cellphones and whether we have a landline.

At the end, the person said they might follow up with some people with an additional questionnaire. Again...not a huge deal...until he started asking for my name and my mailing address. Ummm nope. That ain't gonna happen. He explained the information gathered is confidential, used only for the purpose of the survey, blah blah blah. That might absolutely be true - but there is also a great chance it is not. There are so many scammers able to reroute the numbers they are calling from to appear as legit while they are not. Sorry Numeris, this was an unsolicited call, and I was nice enough to pick up and not hang up....don't expect me to share my personal information with you. The person calling was not very impressed with me refusing to give him my address....well, chances are my survey responses ended up being unusable without it....however.... had he mentioned at the beginning he'd have to ask personal details, I could have saved him some time.
Let's face's 21st century....if you want to follow up with another survey in writing, send me an email. If it was in fact a legit call....Sorry Numeris. I will NOT share my personal details over the phone in an unsolicited phonecall. 

#numeris #itmighthavebeenlegit #unsolicitedcall #dontaskmypersonaldetails #4033513157 #stopcallingatbedtime #survey 

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