Warning...this is a rant....
Insurance companies......SIIIGH.
So, we got this garbage app installed on the phone to track our driving habits which should result in a discount after 180 days and a minimum of 1,000kms logged. The app uses ridiculous amounts of battery and has so many bugs you need to reinstall it every few weeks. Basically one of those that you cannot wait to get rid of because it's complete crap. Anyways, I've been using it for little over 6 months now and logged in 3K kms....so in theory I should be done now.
I messaged the insurance, clearly stating I have been using the app for more than 6 months and now I am wondering if I can remove it since I have met their terms and it's killing the battery on my phone.
"In order for you to get the discount on renewal you have to use the app for 180 days and log at least 1,000 km, so if you haven’t been using it, then you can delete the app from your phone, since it’s not benefitting you anyway."
Plus they added I can call the app provider if I have troubles with it.
Realizing the ridiculous premiums we are paying for insurance partially go to people who don't even bother reading client emails before responding just makes me really sad and really annoyed at the same time.
I will be posting a full review on the app soon as well. Let's say there is a reason it has about a star and a half in the app store....
#mydrivingdiscount "garbageapp #driving #safety #appthatmakesyouunsafewhiledriving
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