Monday, March 26, 2018


I was soooo excited to try this body wash, I had really high hopes I'd find a new favourite.

The body wash comes in a bottle with a pump which is awesome. The body wash itself works nicely, it has creamy rich texture and makes nice foam....but I cannot stand the smell. Normally I love the scent of roses but this one gave me an instant migraine. And on top of it it lingers....which would be amazing if I loved the scent, but now I am trying to figure out how to get it off my body.

Too bad. I will very likely try one of the other scents in the future, but this one is a NO for me. 

*shampoo and conditioner reviews coming in the next few days

#trylovebeautyplanet #gotitfree @lovebeautyandplanet @beautyandplanet @chickadvisor #beauty #bodywash #shower #scentedwash #scent 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Aveeno Absolutely Ageless Leave-On Mask

This is a nice product from Aveeno. It goes on super easily and smoothly. I use it overnight, and as it is a leave-on, you don't need to wash it off. In all honesty I am not quite sure why they call it a mask, to me it's pretty much a moisturizer, I suppose I need to look up some definitions of a facial mask to better understand.
This product comes in a container with a pump so you just pump out as much as you need for your face and apply it, and the product itself stays sanitary because you don't stick your fingers inside the container.
It has a very mild scent that doesn't bother me at all which is always nice.
My skin feels smooth and more radiant after just a few days of using this product. It's not as strong as my usual anti-aging product but it's at a very reasonable price so I can see myself purchasing it again.

You can get yours where-ever Aveeno products are sold :)

#AbsolutelyAgeless #gotitfree @aveenocanada @chickadvisor #beauty #Aveeno

Monday, March 19, 2018

"My Driving Discount" app

This app is absolutely HORRIBLE. It's sooooooooooooooooooo bad just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

So let me tell you more about it.

The app is meant to be used for a minimum of 180 days and 1,000kms (can be increased by the insurance company at any point).  The app has a dashboard where you can see your completed trips, and you can either check that yes, you were the driver, or no, you did not drive the car but you were a passenger in a car or use another means of transportation. If you don't manually indicate this, the app automatically assumes you were the driver every single time and after 7 days, it goes on your record as such. Pretty simple.

Let's start with some of the basic technical stuff - from a user point of view - I ain't digging into the quality of the coding.

- The app randomly crashes. It crashes to a point when it won't record anything and you have to reinstall it. The catch? If you don't notice it's not recording, after 30 days you get an email from an insurance company saying either you can remove the app altogether and forfeit the initial 10% discount they give for you trying; or if you want to keep using it, they add another 3 months onto the 180 days assessment period. Not a fair trade, 90 days extra for 30 days that the app did not work - it's not your fault the app is garbage, you uploaded it, logged into it, the rest should have been taken care of, right? .......
- Sometimes only a portion of the trip is recorded. The Q&A says this might happen if you are in an area where you get bad/intermittent cell signal. Ok, that's fair, I'll pretend I believe I get bad signal in an area where I drive daily and 90% of the time the app records without any issues...
- The app uses absolutely insane amounts of battery. I don't have the newest phone and often after a 10km trip half of my battery is gone.

The idea behind this app is great. It tracks your driving, and it's supposed to reward good driving habits, and point out bad driving habits.'s doing the exact opposite.

You start with a potential 25% discount.
The app tracks your driving using GPS. It does not, however, look at the GPS to check whether you are driving legal speed, whether you in fact stop where you are supposed to stop, et cetera. It just records a trip, and it measures your speed, and it records everything in terms of accelerating and braking. If you break or accelerate more than 12kmh in one second, you get an "event" - either rapid acceleration, or hard braking. You also get nailed for driving during the night.
An "event" is basically explained as bad driving and your percentage of potential discount goes down. And it goes down REALLY quickly - you can loose 10% in one event, while getting the number to climb back up by 1% can take several hundreds of kilometers.

Let me give you some examples why this is bad:

1. Rapid acceleration
I live in Alberta, and Alberta roads have not been exactly designed by geniuses. Meaning, for example, ramps onto highways are awfully short, more often than not ending with a Yield sign instead of merge. drive according to the rules, you are expected to stop if there is oncoming traffic, and you have room to get into a highway lane, you are forced to accelerate rather quickly, in order to not jeopardize the trafic that's already on the highway. The roads are busy, waiting for an opening large enough for you to accelerate without stepping on the gas would sometimes mean waiting for hours....So when you are using this app, you have two choices - you accelerate in a way that isn't faster than 12kmh per second, and risk that someone will rear-end you, or you accelerate quickly to keep the traffic slow steady and safe, and you get an event.

2. Hard breaking
If someone cuts you off  and you step on the breaks because you don't want to rear end them, you get an "event".
Or, if an animal jumps in front of your car which is not that uncommon un rural Alberta, again you get an event. If you run the animal over and keep driving, it's like nothing ever happened. Just the thought gives me goose bumps, because it makes me think of another possible scenario and it freaks me we go...
If a child chases after a ball when you are passing by and you jump on the breaks to avoid hitting that get an event. See where I am going with this? Just these thoughts are insanely scary....
.....if you do whatever is in your power to avoid any type of a are apparently a bad driver....

In the Q&A they say they of course want you to break hard when needed....but the app results suggests otherwise. 

3. Night time driving
Forget about being rewarded to be a designated driver for family or friends. If you drive between midnight and 4am, you automatically loose percentage. I get that perhaps those hours are the most likely hours for accidents, but again, nailing you for being responsible seems really dumb if you ask me. 
Are you a late evening/night shift worker? You're screwed. Don't even bother trying this app. 

All in all, this app is simply BAD.
I don't think I am an amazing driver. I consider myself pretty average.
And I am not one of those people who complain about this app because they didn't get any discount.  I am at 3,000kms and I am still hovering between 17%-18% discount, which, all things considered, is not bad.
I just really think this app absolutely fails to do what it's meant to do - promote and reward good driving.  And it doesn't even work properly waaay too often and it's hard on the battery. 
The only one that wins with this app is the insurance company - they will be able to keep your premiums just as high as before....

The overall rating in the android and apple app stores is 1.5 stars out of five. Yes, there are many, many, many good reasons why it's low. In my humble opinion, even 1 full star is too high for this app. 

#insurance #mydrivingdiscount #mydrivingdiscountapp #appstore #androidapp #iosapp #driving #baddriver #gooddriver #discount #discountinsurance #garbage #garbageapp #worstappever #whocameupwiththis #totalBS #youcantwin #badapp 
If you can....stay away. 

Dealing with an insurance company....

Warning...this is a rant....

Insurance companies......SIIIGH.

So, we got this garbage app installed on the phone to track our driving habits which should result in a discount after 180 days and a minimum of 1,000kms logged. The app uses ridiculous amounts of battery and has so many bugs you need to reinstall it every few weeks. Basically one of those that you cannot wait to get rid of because it's complete crap. Anyways, I've been using it for little over 6 months now and logged in 3K in theory I should be done now.
I messaged the insurance, clearly stating I have been using the app for more than 6 months and now I am wondering if I can remove it since I have met their terms and it's killing the battery on my phone.

"In order for you to get the discount on renewal you have to use the app for 180 days and log at least 1,000 km, so if you haven’t been using it, then you can delete the app from your phone, since it’s not benefitting you anyway."

Plus they added I can call the app provider if I have troubles with it.

Realizing the ridiculous premiums we are paying for insurance partially go to people who don't even bother reading client emails before responding just makes me really sad and really annoyed at the same time.

I will be posting a full review on the app soon as well. Let's say there is a reason it has about a star and a half in the app store....

#mydrivingdiscount "garbageapp #driving #safety #appthatmakesyouunsafewhiledriving

Friday, March 16, 2018


So.....the weird phonecalls never end. I guess that's the story of 21st century isn't it?

Over the past week I got several calls from 403-351-3157. Eventually the name Numeris also appeared. I googled seems to be a company doing surveys about TV and radio usage in Canada. They never left a message. And always called after 7pm, right around the time when I am putting my kids to bed.
I did pick up once and the call got disconnected.
They called again the following evening, and I picked up again, and this time there was someone on the other end.
They introduced themselves, said they are doing a survey about TV and radio usage, and proceeded to ask the questions. Never did they mention what the data is for....
They started by asking whether it was safe for me to talk. I can absolutely appreciate that. With that being said, starting with a question whether I was in fact willing to participate in this survey first would have been even better! Assuming just because I picked up I was willing might not be the best approach...just sayin'. They were lucky I was willing, just to see what this would be all about. the whole questionnaire took about ten minutes. I had no issues answering most of those questions, despite thinking that it's nobody's business how many TVs are in my house. They also asked how many cellphones and whether we have a landline.

At the end, the person said they might follow up with some people with an additional questionnaire. Again...not a huge deal...until he started asking for my name and my mailing address. Ummm nope. That ain't gonna happen. He explained the information gathered is confidential, used only for the purpose of the survey, blah blah blah. That might absolutely be true - but there is also a great chance it is not. There are so many scammers able to reroute the numbers they are calling from to appear as legit while they are not. Sorry Numeris, this was an unsolicited call, and I was nice enough to pick up and not hang up....don't expect me to share my personal information with you. The person calling was not very impressed with me refusing to give him my address....well, chances are my survey responses ended up being unusable without it....however.... had he mentioned at the beginning he'd have to ask personal details, I could have saved him some time.
Let's face's 21st century....if you want to follow up with another survey in writing, send me an email. If it was in fact a legit call....Sorry Numeris. I will NOT share my personal details over the phone in an unsolicited phonecall. 

#numeris #itmighthavebeenlegit #unsolicitedcall #dontaskmypersonaldetails #4033513157 #stopcallingatbedtime #survey 

Burts Bees 100 Percent Natural Eye Shadow Palette with 3 Shades, Dusky Woods, 0.12 Oz, 3.4g

I do like this palette. I typically don't use a ton of makeup, first because my skin is super sensitive and second I simply don't know about how to put on make up properly. I can handle a foundation, mascara, may be a little bit of an eyeliner and that's it.

When it comes to eye shadows, I wish I knew how to do a smoky eye and such but I don't. So I go for more natural look when I decide to do full makeup. This trio is great for "nude" look.
I'm naturally very pale so I usually don't go for too dark colors because they make me look like a chubby zombie on the run. No thanks.
The two lighter colors are awesome - I don't have to use a ton to feel like there is a positive effect on my looks!
I will most likely run out of the lightest and medium color before I truly dive into the dark one - it's just too dark for me. But the two lighter colors are awesome.

You can get yours here or at any drugstore :)

#beauty #eyeshadows #burtsbees #palette