Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Be Positive Or Be Quiet, a book by Mark E. Wilkins Ph.D.

Given how much negativity there is in this world, I was excited to be accepted to review "Be Positive Or Be Quiet" book by Mark E. Wilkins, Ph.D. 

This is a book that can assist anyone to become more positive by being selective which words are expressed and how. We all know how negative talk can influence perfectly positive people, so why not see it the other way around as well? Positive attitude attracts positive outcomes! 

This book refers to specific portions of the Bible to help people become more positive through the use of language, or otherwise, as the title suggests: just be quiet. 
I am not a religious person so I found all the talk about God and His will/His plan overwhelming at times, however the actual principles shown within this short book are principles that can be applied by anyone - regardless of whether you are religious or not; and if you are, regardless of what religion you identify with. 
So if you are hoping to work on some positive changes to your life, why not start by reading this book? :)

Direct website can be accessed here

The book is available in several languages - English, French and Spanish, and in three different formats - paperback, Kindle and audio book. 

#BePositive #Tomoson 

**I have received a paperback version of this book in return for an honest review. **

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