Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Huggies Pull-ups

My almost two years old has been showing on and off interest in potty training. From creaming while sitting on the potty she eventually went to sit on the potty with her clothes on on her own, and eventually we removed the clothes as well. The pull up diapers are an awesome addition to the training process - she loves to take off her diaper but obviously with the regular diaper she is nowhere near being able to put it back on, while these pullups are basically like underwear so she can take the undies off and then pull them back on. I don't think the cooling effect has much impact on her but overall things are going well and the pull ups are definitely helping to keep our carpets kind of clean!

#pullups #huggies #diapers #pottytraining #potty #baby #influenster #gotitfreetotest

We tested Pull-Ups for free thanks to Influenster but all the opinions are personal opinions. Positive review was not required nor guaranteed.

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