Saturday, March 8, 2025

Loi 101 - Law 101 in Quebec

 This will probably be an unpopular opinion.

First off, let me be clear—I have absolutely no desire for Canada to become the 51st state. Never ever! However, if that were ever to happen, Quebec would truly benefit on a couple of fronts. Why? Lower taxes and the end of the Loi 101 nonsense.

I understand that Loi 101 wouldn’t be scrapped outright on the basis of being discriminatory—though it absolutely is—but the practical outcome would still be the same: an end to language-based restrictions and more freedom of choice. People who recognize that being bilingual or multilingual is an asset, not a threat, would finally have more options.

It’s disheartening that Canada’s federal government not only allows but actively supports such blatant discrimination. Quebec has fostered a culture of fear, stagnation, and small thinking—all in the name of "protecting the language," using flawed statistics that anyone with basic knowledge of data analysis can see right through.

Look at the businesses that have left. Look at the educated, talented individuals who have already left or are planning their exit. Quebec is losing on every front, and the government seems indifferent.

This province is breathtakingly beautiful and has so much potential, yet those in power seem trapped in a narrow, insular mindset. If they had real-world experience outside of Quebec, they might see how counterproductive these policies are.

But when even a representative from the Ministry of Education justifies it all with a dismissive laugh and a "we are special" explanation, what hope is there, really?

#loi101 #Quebec #MinistryOfEducationQC #discrimination #bilingual #multilingual #Canada #FederalGovernment #CanadianGovernment #WeWillLeaveToo

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Amazon, you're funny!

 So, Amazon sure makes me laugh some days. This is what they're showing on one of my orders:

REALLY??? Really? Canada Post....delivering....on....a....Saturday?????

If #CanadaPost truly delivers on Saturday, I will definitely go celebrating! That doesn't happen even over Christmas in my thinking it might happen in January is rather naïve....but let's see! Ha!

Now this is not what Canada Post tracking is saying, just to be clear. Canada Post has not update their delivery estimate just yet. I am pretty sure it won't be Saturday though....


#CanadaPost #SaturdayDelivery #delivery #DeliveryEstimate #shipping #AmazonCanada #Amazon #Saturday #KeepOnDreaming #funy #FunnyNotFunny #Saturday

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Scam Beware

  Got a call yesterday saying they are calling from RBC and card has an authorization charge that is suspicious and they call to stop it if it really is fraudulent. It was for over 3K so of course I panicked a little. 

The number looked legit (I googled it as the phone was ringing and that's the only reason I picked up)... The person was pretty persuasive and said all the right things including how he'll lock my card and stuff....until he started asking for info to verify my card and first question was the expiry date. That sent red flags all over. 

I asked how do I know it's really RoyalBank and not a scam and was told to google the number, and when I said number can be spoofed, got the runaround of how they want to help and such. Asked him his name and told him I would call right back through the official numbers and he did not seem overly impressed. Hung up and started calling RBC while also logging into my account from another devide - the card wasn't locked as the guy yeah. I locked it myself immediately even though I don't think the scammer in fact had the necessary information to compromise me. 

After 1hr40mins on hold I finally got to talk to a real RBC representative who confirmed there doesn't seem to be a call from fraud department on my file nor red flags for fraudulent charges. The rep also said they wouldn't ask verification questions if they are the ones who call and they only call the number on file, the only exception would be if it appears the number was compromised as well. They also ask verification questions if you are the one calling them. 

And they would never try to persuade you to not call back if you say you're uncomfortable and you want to call them instead. 

So yeah.... beware of legit numbers being spoofed. This one would have been extremely easy to fall for. 

#IHateScammers #scam #CreditCardScam #MakeItStop #ScamBeware #RBC #spoofing #SpoofedNumber #RBCSpoofedNumber #BeCareful #RoyalBank #RoyalBankOfCanada #banking #creditcard #Visa #fraud #CreditCardFraud #VisaFraud #VisaScam #18007692512 #1-800-769-2512 

Monday, March 21, 2022

Social media

 I am starting to feel really done with social media. It was supposed to bring people together, meanwhile it created this crazy world full of keyboard warriors and trolls....what's on social media seems to be taken as the truth, even when it is complete's just crazy.

May be I am just getting old? 

I do miss hanging out with friends. These days I don't really feel like I have any real friends anyways. It has been lonely even before covid. A lot of people think that seeing each other twice a year is friendship....I don't know, may be I am high maintenance, but that's just not enough for me to call it real friendship. 

Yes, there are people I see once every few years and we re-start where-ever we left off, but those are people who live in another part of the world, thousands of kilometers away. People who live nearby...that's a whole different story. 

A lot of the people I know fell off the radar after I had kids...especially if they don't have kids. I get's a VERY different lifestyle. It's still sad. 

I also find that a lot of my "friendships" became very one sided at some point - if I did not make the effort to reach out, the other person didn't reach out for ages. Nobody really checked on how I am doing in years. 

I am fortunate I have a great husband, but I know he is longing to have meaningful friendships as well. It feels like we are two awkward weirdos right now. We used to be good with people, but everyone we ever became friends with moved far away, and eventually we sorta gave up on meeting more people. And then we had kids and that made it even more difficult....

I'd love to find some meaningful friendships, but I am at a loss on how do you do that, when you are 40-something with fairly small kids??? Where your schedule doesn't really allow you to join say a book-club or a yoga class? 

#MakingFriendsAfter40IsDifficult #Lonely #SuggestionsWelcome


 I just can't understand how after 2 full years people still think masks are to protect them from others, as opposed to protecting others from them! 

Come on, if nobody around you wears a mask, except for you, unless you wear it with a shield or safety goggles, it will take one infected person coughing near you, and you'll get Covid too, cause eyes are soooo easily penetrable by viruses....

This is pretty basic...yet I still keep hearing "I will wear my mask to protect myself even when restrictions are lifted"...

Umm won't really protect yourself all that much.....

#CovidMyths #MaskMyths 

Monday, August 9, 2021


When will this #Covid madness end??????????

People are truly not doing well mental health wise. 

So many people now do things that would never do otherwise. 

So many people are battling depression. 

So many people are battling anxiety. 

So many people are battling addictions.

So many people are battling eating disorders. 

Domestic violence is on the rise, and happens in families where it would have not happened under "normal" circumstances. 

Cancers get diagnosed too late.

Treatments get postponed and people who would normally have a chance end up dying.

It's so disheartening to see. 

I am not OK either. I am managing, at least somewhat, but I am definitely not in the headspace where I would be without Covid. And I don't think "normal" life will resume anytime soon. 

How about you, how are you feeling?

#COVID #mentalhealth #cancer #depression #anxiety #addiction #eatingdisorder #domesticviolence 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Tea Tree Footsoak

 This foot soak smells so nice!

You just dissolve some in the water, just like you would dissolve epsam salts or a sitz bath, you dip in your feet and you relax. The tea tree is awesome with its antibacterial properties, it helps to keep feet healthy and fungus free.
Really lovely salt soak.

Get yours here :) 

#footsoak #healthyfeet #footbath #teatree #soak #footsalt