Saturday, March 8, 2025

Loi 101 - Law 101 in Quebec

 This will probably be an unpopular opinion.

First off, let me be clear—I have absolutely no desire for Canada to become the 51st state. Never ever! However, if that were ever to happen, Quebec would truly benefit on a couple of fronts. Why? Lower taxes and the end of the Loi 101 nonsense.

I understand that Loi 101 wouldn’t be scrapped outright on the basis of being discriminatory—though it absolutely is—but the practical outcome would still be the same: an end to language-based restrictions and more freedom of choice. People who recognize that being bilingual or multilingual is an asset, not a threat, would finally have more options.

It’s disheartening that Canada’s federal government not only allows but actively supports such blatant discrimination. Quebec has fostered a culture of fear, stagnation, and small thinking—all in the name of "protecting the language," using flawed statistics that anyone with basic knowledge of data analysis can see right through.

Look at the businesses that have left. Look at the educated, talented individuals who have already left or are planning their exit. Quebec is losing on every front, and the government seems indifferent.

This province is breathtakingly beautiful and has so much potential, yet those in power seem trapped in a narrow, insular mindset. If they had real-world experience outside of Quebec, they might see how counterproductive these policies are.

But when even a representative from the Ministry of Education justifies it all with a dismissive laugh and a "we are special" explanation, what hope is there, really?

#loi101 #Quebec #MinistryOfEducationQC #discrimination #bilingual #multilingual #Canada #FederalGovernment #CanadianGovernment #WeWillLeaveToo

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