Monday, March 21, 2022

Social media

 I am starting to feel really done with social media. It was supposed to bring people together, meanwhile it created this crazy world full of keyboard warriors and trolls....what's on social media seems to be taken as the truth, even when it is complete's just crazy.

May be I am just getting old? 

I do miss hanging out with friends. These days I don't really feel like I have any real friends anyways. It has been lonely even before covid. A lot of people think that seeing each other twice a year is friendship....I don't know, may be I am high maintenance, but that's just not enough for me to call it real friendship. 

Yes, there are people I see once every few years and we re-start where-ever we left off, but those are people who live in another part of the world, thousands of kilometers away. People who live nearby...that's a whole different story. 

A lot of the people I know fell off the radar after I had kids...especially if they don't have kids. I get's a VERY different lifestyle. It's still sad. 

I also find that a lot of my "friendships" became very one sided at some point - if I did not make the effort to reach out, the other person didn't reach out for ages. Nobody really checked on how I am doing in years. 

I am fortunate I have a great husband, but I know he is longing to have meaningful friendships as well. It feels like we are two awkward weirdos right now. We used to be good with people, but everyone we ever became friends with moved far away, and eventually we sorta gave up on meeting more people. And then we had kids and that made it even more difficult....

I'd love to find some meaningful friendships, but I am at a loss on how do you do that, when you are 40-something with fairly small kids??? Where your schedule doesn't really allow you to join say a book-club or a yoga class? 

#MakingFriendsAfter40IsDifficult #Lonely #SuggestionsWelcome


 I just can't understand how after 2 full years people still think masks are to protect them from others, as opposed to protecting others from them! 

Come on, if nobody around you wears a mask, except for you, unless you wear it with a shield or safety goggles, it will take one infected person coughing near you, and you'll get Covid too, cause eyes are soooo easily penetrable by viruses....

This is pretty basic...yet I still keep hearing "I will wear my mask to protect myself even when restrictions are lifted"...

Umm won't really protect yourself all that much.....

#CovidMyths #MaskMyths