Thursday, November 16, 2017

Natural Cough Remedy by St Francis Herb Farm

This product tastes surprisingly nicely. If you have full on bronchitis like I do right now, don't expect it to go away, but things did improve for me once I started using this syrup. I think if I just had a cold - cough, this syrup would help a great deal!

I will be buying once I run out and I will definitely recommend this to others.

Find more info about this remedy here.

#naturalcoughremedy #stopthecough #stfrancis #trynatural #gotitfree

Disclaimer - I got a sample product thanks to Social Nature.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Knorr Selects White Cheddar Rice

I have received a sample packet of Knorr Selects White Cheddar rice with my purchase from

I tried the sample and it was pretty nice. I quite enjoyed the flavor and it was easy to make.

One thing to note though, I had a bit leftover and when I heated up, it was not as good as I would have hoped for. It's definitely meant to be eaten fresh.

Decent side dish when you are in a pinch. Overall, I'd give three and half stars out of five :)

#knorr #rice #knorrselects #whitecheddar #sidedish